It’s been a while, but we’ve finally finished our look at the Kre-O Terrordrome released last year. Will and I put together the base and top this time, and we took a look at the special features. We can’t wait to stage a massive battle around this cool Cobra set. Thanks again to the ever capable Will for his thoughts and solid intro/outro skills. The cat’s a natural!
The Kre-O Terrordrome is such an impressive set that I figured we should make a video, and document the build in some way. Here's the first part, with guest reviewer Will. Stay tuned for part two coming soon...
The release of the Kre-O Terrordrome set was bittersweet. The set was probably the most highly anticipated, and also the most accurate to the original toy design. The Cobra launch base was finally the source of several demanded Kreons. I don't know if I'd count Mainframe high among them personally,…
What can I say about old chrome-head that hasn't been said before? Well, that he's never been quite so adorable--next to a crocheted version, of course. Destro was only available in Kreon form as part of the Arashikage Dojo set, the largest and most expensive GI Joe Kre-O building kit…
That was great! It’s nice to see you guys having fun with it. A lot of adult collectors nitpicked the Terror Drome apart, but I think overall it’s a good set. Plus, it’s brick, so you can add anything you like to spice it up (my kid added a bathroom). When you consider the Battle Platform was a recycled Battleship design, this set is phenomenal!
Great review, Rob and Will
That was great! It’s nice to see you guys having fun with it. A lot of adult collectors nitpicked the Terror Drome apart, but I think overall it’s a good set. Plus, it’s brick, so you can add anything you like to spice it up (my kid added a bathroom). When you consider the Battle Platform was a recycled Battleship design, this set is phenomenal!
Now that I think of it, all the “great” Playsets of the 80’s were missing bathrooms!