We’re back again (it’s been too long) with a quick-hitting review of the Karate Chopper box. Yeah, we couldn’t find the actual toy, so this is what you get. I don’t have a whole lot to say about it, so Will saves the day, as usual.
Remember when convention exclusive vehicles' secondary market prices didn't reach instananeous and stratospheric heights? Up until a few years ago, one could initially pick up many JoeCon items for a 20 to 30 percent mark-up. Some items from those days, like this Dreadnok Cycle, weren't all that popular at their…
The venerable VAMP. What a great signature vehicle for the 1980s GI Joes. Amazingly versatile, able to be translated and refreshed throughout most of the eras that proceeded after the glory days of the Real American Hero line ended. One of those later repurposings came in 1994 as part of…
If there's one thing Lanard packs into its vehicles, play value is it. I can't think of any other budget toy maker that gives kids as much bang for their buck. While such things may not be a collector's cup of tea, little ones dig action features. The Havoc Chopper…
As far as the Dreadnoks go, I really think Hasbro should’ve just made some motorcycles that were in scale with the figures and totally lacking all the gimmicks.
Hasbro was smart to repurpose/recolor existing stuff like they did, though I’m not really sure how many people collected the Street Fighter stuff. Nice review of the box, but WOW is that spring launcher big in the photo!
When I was buying Street Fighter toys as a kid, I just stuck with the figures of the characters that interested me. I didn’t buy any of the vehicles or playsets, but maybe that’s because the videogame didn’t have that kind of stuff in it. Looking back, I should’ve got that Street Fighter Thunder Machine for my Dreadnoks.
I went the opposite direction regarding Street Fighter. I didn’t care about the figures, I didn’t have the game console and I don’t think I ever played it when it was new and hot. The Street Fighter vehicles were awesome in my mind, though. I had a few of those, it was great having 10 year old vehicles in new form…, save for the launchers. But they were easily removable at that time.
Reduced from $5.49, to $1.37. Amazing. Has anybody seen any G.I. Joe vehicles in that same box size, in a clearance price that low, recently? The lowest clearance price that I ever saw on any G.I. Joe boxed item, was on the Stars And Stripes Forever set, for 99 cents at a Toys R Us in Hialeah, Florida. They had two sets left. This was probably around 1998. And in the Yojoe.com website, it says that this set’s original retail price was $29.99. I still can not believe that I saw those two sets for that price at that store back then. Every day I wish that I could go back in time, and walk into that Toys R Us, to buy those two sets that were left there. Anyway, great review on this box. Doing reviews on G.I. Joe, and other toys boxes, is a great idea. And it is also a great way to show the differences between the actual products, that were sold to the kids back then, and the prototypes that were sometimes shown on the back of some of the boxes. Like for example, the back of the 1985 Snow Cat box, were you can see clearly that both the vehicle, and the figure’s head are prototypes.
In January 1996, the Woolworths in my old town had literally a ton of Street fighter, Star brigade, battle corps and mortal kombat stuff and it was all heavily reduced. The figures were marked down to 90 cents and the vehicles were only a few dollars each.
A few years ago, the R.O.C stuff really didn’t sell in my country either so it all got reduced too. Figures were dropped from $15.00 to $0.99. Those were some of the heaviest discounts I’ve seen on toys
When I bought the Karate Chopper off the retail shelf back in the day, I am thinking it was like $3.48 on clearance or possibly lower.
I had the Dreadnok Cycle at that time, the solid red and white of the Karate Chopper could not beat it out…., and the loss of the turret gun to a spring-fire rocket launcher was a disappointment.
”Dreadnok Cycle is the best original version,instesd of copies.Reproductions are just too over done.”
“A dusty old box” Thats a great description for an old toys packaging
As far as the Dreadnoks go, I really think Hasbro should’ve just made some motorcycles that were in scale with the figures and totally lacking all the gimmicks.
Hasbro was smart to repurpose/recolor existing stuff like they did, though I’m not really sure how many people collected the Street Fighter stuff. Nice review of the box, but WOW is that spring launcher big in the photo!
When I was buying Street Fighter toys as a kid, I just stuck with the figures of the characters that interested me. I didn’t buy any of the vehicles or playsets, but maybe that’s because the videogame didn’t have that kind of stuff in it. Looking back, I should’ve got that Street Fighter Thunder Machine for my Dreadnoks.
I went the opposite direction regarding Street Fighter. I didn’t care about the figures, I didn’t have the game console and I don’t think I ever played it when it was new and hot. The Street Fighter vehicles were awesome in my mind, though. I had a few of those, it was great having 10 year old vehicles in new form…, save for the launchers. But they were easily removable at that time.
Reduced from $5.49, to $1.37. Amazing. Has anybody seen any G.I. Joe vehicles in that same box size, in a clearance price that low, recently? The lowest clearance price that I ever saw on any G.I. Joe boxed item, was on the Stars And Stripes Forever set, for 99 cents at a Toys R Us in Hialeah, Florida. They had two sets left. This was probably around 1998. And in the Yojoe.com website, it says that this set’s original retail price was $29.99. I still can not believe that I saw those two sets for that price at that store back then. Every day I wish that I could go back in time, and walk into that Toys R Us, to buy those two sets that were left there. Anyway, great review on this box. Doing reviews on G.I. Joe, and other toys boxes, is a great idea. And it is also a great way to show the differences between the actual products, that were sold to the kids back then, and the prototypes that were sometimes shown on the back of some of the boxes. Like for example, the back of the 1985 Snow Cat box, were you can see clearly that both the vehicle, and the figure’s head are prototypes.
In January 1996, the Woolworths in my old town had literally a ton of Street fighter, Star brigade, battle corps and mortal kombat stuff and it was all heavily reduced. The figures were marked down to 90 cents and the vehicles were only a few dollars each.
A few years ago, the R.O.C stuff really didn’t sell in my country either so it all got reduced too. Figures were dropped from $15.00 to $0.99. Those were some of the heaviest discounts I’ve seen on toys
When I bought the Karate Chopper off the retail shelf back in the day, I am thinking it was like $3.48 on clearance or possibly lower.
I had the Dreadnok Cycle at that time, the solid red and white of the Karate Chopper could not beat it out…., and the loss of the turret gun to a spring-fire rocket launcher was a disappointment.