Continuing on from yesterday’s posting of #100 through 11, the latest UnderScoopFIRE! podcast is up, featuring Howie Decker, Justin from Generalsjoes, Engineernerd from TV and Film Toys, Justin from Weirdo Toys, and yours truly. We discussed the Top 10 from the UnderScoopFIRE! Top 100 list. Give it a listen, and see if our picks agree with yours. The nerd rage is swelling within you…
The STAR Force series flew under my radar during its time in store shelves. I was looking for new Star Wars toys and wasn't paying much attention to Lanard's venture into space toys. It's too bad, as the series produced a few real gems for collectors of unusual small Joe…
The Design Director from Lanard Toys dropped me a line about the company's new offerings based on the upcoming Kong: Skull Island film. Check out his words and pics below, and you may see some familiar CORPS! molds among the product. We here at JAD have a soft spot for…
By Past Nastification Last year I wrote about the DiC cartoon run, where the animated GI Joe continuity went to die. Almost a decade earlier, though, the Joes’ animated life began under the creative direction of Sunbow. Hasbro eventually got around to giving collectors a drizzle of some of the…
This list is simply amazing, Rob, nice work on contributing to it.