My first exposure to this set came in the pages of Lee’s Action Figure News and Toy Review magazine. I still have that particular issue, the first toy magazine I had seen on a newsstand–well, a comic shop stand to be exact.
So is this the first example of the GI Joe line packaging a vehicle and “driver” figure together?
Gaze into the hypno-shield... You will think Crystal Ball is the coolest GI Joe figure ever made... Repeat after me: Crystal Ball is a better toy than '85 Snake Eyes...Crystal Ball is a better toy than '85 Snake Eyes...
A apology is in order from this GI Joe collector. I've been remiss in covering new releases since the Retaliation figures left shelves. I don't hit much of the recent Collectors' Club offerings as I simply don't have the scratch to buy them any longer. I haven't picked up the…
Here's an example of a toy's packaging doing its darndest to sell the item that lurks inside. I think this copter is on many Joe collectors' "oh yeah, that exists" lists. I haven't tracked it down personally, but maybe someday I will. There's a reason why no figure is pictured…
Wow, this is a 12″ set? That’s incredible! Great art: just look at that action in the back!
Inspired by The Rat Patrol.