Here’s a blast from the past, a custom (and the photo itself) from almost 15 years ago! At the time, I was customizing figures in the Toy Biz style. I also made some Joes now and then, and this Snake Eyes was fairly easy to create.
The body is Stealth Guile from the Street Fighter movie series. The head is from ’85 Snakes, natch. Add a little black paint to cover Guile’s skin-toned chest and viola–instant stealth ninja! I always though Jean-Claude wasn’t wise to try to pull off that much décolletage.
This figure was inspired by the unique looking version of the team's popular commando seen on an early sticker set. I picked up a ton of extra comic pack sets to flesh out my original thirteen Joes in the format, so I found it easy to piece together a version…
By KansasBrawler Growing up, I always loved the Cobra B.A.T. and though I missed out on the original version, the 1991 version quickly became one of my most used Cobra troopers. I’m sure part of that was the cartoon’s influence, but I just thought robots were cool and the interchangeable…
Minifigure knock-offs have been a source of interest for me since I discovered them a couple years ago. They're definitely a source of contention within the Lego collector community, as the makers are basically using a patented mold with little to no changes. The exterior shapes of the parts are…
That head works surprisingly well on that body. If only Hasbro had tried in the 2000’s….