Major Storm (2003)
Pulling out a lesser known character, who was also the driver of a pricey vehicle was one of the good ideas within the 2003 convention set. Major Storm was a figure I didn’t have in my collection until I began trying to complete a 1982-94 run in the early 2000s. This repaint came along at just the right time for me, and is an example of the club getting an exclusive right. He’s unique and funky, not a safe choice. I like that. Kind of like when Mr. T’JBang showed up in the zombie fighters con set.
Being an underpainted 1990 figure, the original Major Storm doesn’t do a whole lot for me, at least from a color scheme and deco point of view. This new version changes up the look quite a bit, painting the top half as an entire jacket rather than a vest and differently colored sleeves. Extra paint apps always add a little oomph to old molds, and when the original is sparse, the effect can be quite dramatic. Of all the repainted Joes from the set, I think he wears the camo well. His pattern looks a bit different from Falcon and Lady Jaye as well.
Gosh, do I miss the days of the o-ring revisits. My only new collecting opportunity for them these days is the Gentle Giant figs. Hey, why can’t Hasbro license out the small Joes a la jumbos and micros? It’s not like they’re doing much themselves. I know it’s probably a scale licensing thing, but one can dream.
In 2003, it seemed like an entire future of great Joes was ahead of us. In looking back, that didn’t really happen. So, it was nice to get this Major Storm when we did. There’s really no reason for the figure to exist, but I’m glad that he does. He’s a decent repaint. I do recall collectors being rather underwhelmed at his inclusion in the set, though.
It’s a toy, does it need a reason to exist? At least he wasn’t another Tunnel Rat/Roadblock V1/Mirage/Big Ben/Snake-Eyes 1989 repaint.
I think most collectors stop caring about any character made after whatever year it was they grew out of the vintage line.
Too bad he’s got weird colored eyes.
”Major Storm 2003, looks like someone from the 1990’s T V Series ”Star Gate S G-1”. ”With the gold 1-star helmet, gold pistol, black radio and the camo outfit.”
Looks like George W Bush Jnr…anyone else noticed that? Bland figure.