I just can’t seem to get enough of the Steel Brigade. This ad from an Action Force magazine is even more bold than the various US pamphlets that touted the figure. It even pictures the toy itself. Very nice.
The concept of ordering an action figure that you (sort of) created still piques my interest. This is definitely something Hasbro could capitalize on if GI Joe makes it back to the mainstream, kid-focused toy aisle. I can see an online order form, along with customizable accessories or even alternate heads to choose from. Maybe even folks could pay a bit extra to get a custom printed head sculpt. Heck, even us grown-up collector types would get in on the fun.
Wow, now this is how you can sell a toy! From the pages of the Action Force comic comes this Super Trooper promo. The Action Force comics in general were quite big and bold in terms of their size as well as graphics. I'm really digging the art style here.…
That's an impressive feat for a toy line in only its second year. This ad, which I found in a 1965 issue of the Justice League of America comic, touts Joe's sales success as well as his presence as a TV star. I think most folks have seen the vintage…
Released by Chinese minifigure maker Dargo, the series with the supremely odd title Outfight Gold offers military styled figures in an all-gold color scheme. When I first saw a picture of the eight figure set, I was reminded of Mego's Eagle Force, the 1981 die-cast action figure series. One beret…
I find it odd that the figure pictured is a production level variant, but the rifle is custom painted.
It’s a great ad, though. I love the Action Force advertisements since they used the real toys. The back page ads in the AF comics were stuff of legend.
Dammit, Hasbro, you owe me a Steel Brigade figure
Great old Hasbro!
Those sawtooth explosions really get your attention! And I don’t think I’ve seen that art at the bottom before.
I find it odd that the figure pictured is a production level variant, but the rifle is custom painted.
It’s a great ad, though. I love the Action Force advertisements since they used the real toys. The back page ads in the AF comics were stuff of legend.
We must’ve been thinking along similar wavelengths. I wore Steel Brigade colors yesterday (minus the olive vest and buckethead helmet of course).
Yes, subtlety wasn’t really in it was it. I like your idea for a modern take on a design-it-yourself figure Rob. Would get my vote.
I dont understand why the Joes dont have a desin-it-yourself figure.
Star wars has had “fans choice” for years AND Transformers got Windblade