GI Joe Survival Beverage (2000)
What sort of non action figure product did Hasbro license out during the years between the Real American Hero years and the small Joes relaunch? How about horribly sugary and absolutely unhealthy drink snacks? Yeah, thanks for the diabetes, guys.
Is this the stuff Outback drinks when he’s out in the wilderness? I’m sorry, he most likely drinks water. But hey, the ingredients list does show water (filtered!) first, so it can’t be all bad. Oops, high fructose corn syrup is second, so never mind. Of course, we didn’t know what that was back then, did we?
I don’t know what other flavors, if any, this stuff came in, but I’m fairly certain it probably tasted like sticky sweet bilgewater from the lowest depths of a Cobra Moray back when it was new. Who would drink this, anyway? Wait, it’s grape, so the Joes probably had to be careful that the Dreadnoks didn’t break into the Pit and steal a pallet of the stuff.
Ha ha Awesome!
Come on, Rob, it says it’s “vitamin fortified.” That means it’s gotta be healthy!
I’d drink a bottle of that right now!
I like the fact that its shaped like an army canteen.
I know there was also a fruit punch flavor (I forgot what colorful name was given for it, but ‘fruit punch’ was in that name). My dad bought a box or two of these from the flea market, though I never drank any of it because the expiration date had ran out. I think I might of used one for trade fodder.
Whew, nothing about that product looks appealing! GIJoe comestibles weren’t typically very good; I remember being let down by the quality of the snack mix in the 30th anniversary tin lunchbox. And 22 ounces must be about 75% smaller than a typical army canteen, which is a bummer.
Great item!
Let’s imagine the other flavor possibilities:
Bazooka Bubble Gum
Scarlett Strawberry
Lady Jaye Liquid Licorice
Blizzard Blueberry
Rock N Roll Raspberry
Cobra Commander Chocolate
Viper Vanilla
Crimson Guard Cherry