I’m just going to leave this here without much commentary. I think the set and its art speaks for itself. I will say however, that this is the kind of thing we need to see as an SDCC exclusive, rather than another Joe/TF crossover.
Now here's something interesting that I hadn't noticed for years. The Toys R Us Exclusive release of the Slugger from 1997 uses the same image layout as the classic version, yet done in a photographic rather than painterly style. The conceit is revealed in its driver, Gung Ho, who looks…
I've said this many times over the history of the blog: I miss o-ring GI Joe figures. While I don't have a problem with the modern figure construction, I simply prefer the style and sensibilities of the older guys. Some of the allure is nostalgia, since they're the Joes of…
A apology is in order from this GI Joe collector. I've been remiss in covering new releases since the Retaliation figures left shelves. I don't hit much of the recent Collectors' Club offerings as I simply don't have the scratch to buy them any longer. I haven't picked up the…
At the time, I bought the Dino Hunters set to replace my old Desert Fox and get a new Low-Light figure. I already had the original Ambush and honestly, I had no interest in the dinosaur.
If you remember the hype that was Jurassic Park in 1993, this set makes TOTAL sense and the fact that Hasbro timed it as such is pretty impressive.
Stuff that’s designed to appeal to collectors often falls flat, like the recent SDCC stuff. Taking something completely off the wall is a great approach. It can backfire. But, it can also produce amazing stuff that collectors would otherwise never see.
Agree 100%. A new Dino Hunters set with a proper Dino would be fantastic.
At the time, I bought the Dino Hunters set to replace my old Desert Fox and get a new Low-Light figure. I already had the original Ambush and honestly, I had no interest in the dinosaur.
If you remember the hype that was Jurassic Park in 1993, this set makes TOTAL sense and the fact that Hasbro timed it as such is pretty impressive.
Stuff that’s designed to appeal to collectors often falls flat, like the recent SDCC stuff. Taking something completely off the wall is a great approach. It can backfire. But, it can also produce amazing stuff that collectors would otherwise never see.
…instead of yet another Rattler repaint….
G.I.Joe Jurrasic Park fun.”
Often mocked, yet check out the price on the aftermarket!
I do not like it.

I forgot that the Joes first went Dino hunting back in 1985 in “Primordial plot”
Cool! I want on a t shirt