I find myself much more interested in this figure than many others of his time. Everything seems to come together. Maybe the original BAT design lends itself well to the highly detailed modern style, or the non-human characteristics just allow for the collector eye to be more forgiving than with the fully human subjects in thw early days of the modern construction style. It’s telling that the same mold was reused during the Pursuit of Cobra line, and it blended in quite well.
I think the biggest improvement on the 80s BAT was the ability to make attachments to both arms. The ambidextrous BAT concept didn’t begin here however. The new sculpt era’s second design was the first to allow Cobra’s robotic troops to go into battle with double the armaments.
So I guess at some point Dr. Mindbender gave up on a fully humanoid appearance for his battle androids and opted to crib from Terminator. I can't believe a man as smart as Mindbender would need to blatantly copy like that. I suppose there's no accounting for style plagiarism, as…
Cobra Battle Android Troopers lend themselves well to variants, as evidenced by official Hasbro repaints as well as factory custom figures. Who doesn't love the option to collect a veritable rainbow of mechanized death? The 25th Anniversary BAT figure remains one of my favorites from the era. The original design…
The BAT has a long history in the GI Joe mythos. First appearing in 1986, they were new grist for the mill in Cobra Commander's attempts to Rule the World. The robotic troopers also made the perfect enemy force for the Sunbow cartoon, as there were probably no mandates from…
The 25th BAT is probably one of my favorite figures from that era. It’s just an amazing figure. The dual swappable arms was a great idea (though it would have been nice had they given us enough storage for all his spare parts) and the detailing is impressive. Normally, I hate getting a duplicate figure from a figure set, but when I got the second BAT (admittedly with parts to make it look different), I was really happy to have a pair of them. It’s that good!
I have the DVD pack version. The downside to this figure is the arm post is larger than the backpack post- once you transfer from the arm to the backpack, the attachment hole is stretched out.
Being taller, I felt it would really fit in and stand out as a robot trooper with classic ARAH figures. (As opposed to the ’86 BAT)
I wanted to find several of these at the time, but in this neck of the woods, the 25th Anniversary was a fairly short burst appearance, and then the (unknown to me) fans in the bigger ‘burb down the highway were able to pick these and the best 2008 figures out of the mix before I could there. Not unlike RoC later waves, or PoC, or 30th waves… Heh.
The 25th BAT is probably one of my favorite figures from that era. It’s just an amazing figure. The dual swappable arms was a great idea (though it would have been nice had they given us enough storage for all his spare parts) and the detailing is impressive. Normally, I hate getting a duplicate figure from a figure set, but when I got the second BAT (admittedly with parts to make it look different), I was really happy to have a pair of them. It’s that good!
I love this figure.
Can anyone else see the Airfix joystick?
I have the DVD pack version. The downside to this figure is the arm post is larger than the backpack post- once you transfer from the arm to the backpack, the attachment hole is stretched out.
Being taller, I felt it would really fit in and stand out as a robot trooper with classic ARAH figures. (As opposed to the ’86 BAT)
I wanted to find several of these at the time, but in this neck of the woods, the 25th Anniversary was a fairly short burst appearance, and then the (unknown to me) fans in the bigger ‘burb down the highway were able to pick these and the best 2008 figures out of the mix before I could there. Not unlike RoC later waves, or PoC, or 30th waves… Heh.
OH well.
Great Modern Era B.A.T.!
I only have one of these figures, and the one from the Resolute boxed set from 2009.