New Feature: Field Reports

Debuting a new feature today (over in the Features section, natch!) where friends and readers get to ramble on, Joe A Day style. You know, because the site just needs more content. Stop in and check out the first Field Report from podcasting compatriot Dave from Flag Points. Dave waxes nostalgic about the System: Neutralizer-Armed Kloaking Equipment. You know it

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Sidetrack (2000)

Ah, the days before Hasbro realized they could simply add Sgt. or Agent to the beginning of a character name to sidestep the whole lost name rights issue. I also dearly love the outright goofy names that they came up with instead. Sidetrack? What is he, the easily distracted Joe who often goes off topic in briefings? So yeah, it’s

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Duke (2011 Renegades)

I’ve had Renegades Duke here in the on-deck circle for a couple of months, and just couldn’t bring myself to write about him until now. Don’t get me wrong, I think the figure itself is fantastic. The sculpting and removable gear are all on par with the other recent Joe figures. I really don’t have a problem with the wrist

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The Top 10 Best Action Figures of All Time!

Continuing on from yesterday’s posting of #100 through 11, the latest UnderScoopFIRE! podcast is up, featuring Howie Decker, Justin from Generalsjoes, Engineernerd from TV and Film Toys, Justin from Weirdo Toys, and yours truly. We discussed the Top 10 from the UnderScoopFIRE! Top 100 list. Give it a listen, and see if our picks agree with yours. The nerd rage is swelling within you…

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