Ferret (1988)

Leave it to Destro to finally give us an enemy trooper who wears sensible pants. I wouldn’t think that tank drivers would normally wear khakis, but then again their boss is known for odd fashion choices. The Ferret sports one of the most incredible helmets in all the line. Looking like a cross between a Roman and Cylon Centurion, it

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Torch (1985)

What can I write that hasn’t been said about the Dreadnoks, some of the most iconic, colorful and well remembered GI Joe villains of the Real American Hero era? Heck, I’d venture to say they’re some of the most remembered villains of any 80’s property. At least more remembered than the likes Mon*Star, Buttons McBoomBoom, Hun-Dred or Darkstorm. I can

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Blaster (1987)

Blaster is by far my favorite of the Battle Force 2000 figures. Faint praise I know considering my previous opinions of the group, but I’ve really come around to these guys. Well, maybe not to Knockdown, that poor guy is still an unfortunate mess. The more basic looking uniform coupled with some subdued color sets it apart from the more

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Gen. Patch (1982)

As a kid, I had ample opportunities to peruse the toy aisle of our local K-Mart. Mom and Dad were quite the landscapers, so a trip to the lawn and garden section was a regular occurence. Naturally, I would wander over to the toy aisle to check out what was available. Alongside the 80’s heavy hitters like GI Joe, Star

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Cross-Country (1986)

Haven’t I covered this guy already? Sort of. At the time, I was less than kind to Cross-Country. I apologize, since he was such a likeable guy in both the comics and Sunbow cartoon. Neither he nor his vehicle were a favorite of mine as a kid or collector. It seems though, that as I dig through my collection, take

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Dodger (1987)

Dear Battle Force 2000, I’m sorry to have mocked and disparaged you several times over the course of this blog’s existence. I’ve since come to respect and even admire elements of your team’s design and sculpts. I don’t know why I hadn’t appreciated the strangeness of your concept and execution, considering the fact that I love a lot of the

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Eels (1985)

Who didn’t take their Joes into the tub or swimming pool with them? How could you resist playing with Eels, Torpedo, the Water Mocassin or the WHALE in the water? Heck, Deep Six, with his diving action (an action feature in ’84–gasp!) was made for water play. Of course, the unfortunate side effect of throwing your Joes around in the

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Crystal Ball (1987)

Crystal Ball is one of those lovable losers upon which some fans of the stranger side of the RAH line have built a foundation. Yes, many think the man is a joke. But I say, look closer, and maybe there’s a spark in him that could be fanned into a greater flame. I wouldn’t mind seeing a horror aspect make

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