Snake Eyes (2004)

The Desert Patrol Squad six pack was a decent enough set (aside from the horrific Dusty) that presented a nicely unified look, as well as a new GI Joe sub-team. The 1991 Snake Eyes mold is one of my favorites, but with the patterned pants contrasted against the dark torso and boots, it really looks like the team’s premiere ninja

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Dr. Mindbender (2009)

If a GI Joe toy line has needed someone to fulfill the role of all-around mad scientist plot catalyst, the good doctor is always standing by. He’s been connected to things like the creation of Serpentor, the BATs, mutated monsters, venomized DNA modified troopers, and even a quick reference in the Rise of Cobra film. He’s become almost as ubiquitous

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Eel (2009)

Toylines based on movie properties often end up with figures that either don’t resemble their on-screen counterpart, or that flat out don’t exist in the movie. The resemblance issue is often caused by the lead time needed to produce toys. For example, the first wave of GI Joe Retaliation toys were all a best guess on the part of the

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Range-Viper (2009)

The hits just keep on comin’ with another Defense of Cobra Island multi-pack figure. It’s another fine marriage of parts that serves to make one of the most odd looking Cobra troopers of the past into a more cohesive and menacing looking figure. Again, like his pack mate Lamprey, the Range Viper benefits from being based on an old figure,

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Lamprey (2009)

Sometimes I can be a little harsh when it comes to the 25th anniversary figures. It’s just that some of the figures ended up a little less than stellar, thanks to parts reuse and the like. I tend to be more of a fan of the o-ring style, but I still pick up the modern figures as well. However as

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Chief Torpedo (2004)

The original Torpedo is a classic of the early years of the Real American Hero era. He’s a great figure, but outside of an underwater setting, his usefulness is limited. The Sunbow cartoon often had Torpedo running about in white t-shirt and jeans; not the most battle-ready of outfits, but more at home in a land battle than a wet

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Monstro-Vipers (1993)

Bet you didn’t know that there was a GI Joe figure with poo flinging action. Okay, it’s really called a gut bomb, and I suppose it’s more along the lines of throwing vomit or a hair-ball, but can you blame me for making the connection? After all, the toy looks somewhat ape-like, and we all know the fondness our primate

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Dusty (2004)

This redesigned version of Dusty from the Valor vs. Venom series is recognizable as Mr. Tadur thanks to his wearing a variation on his old helmet, complete with the fancy neck protector in the back. I remember for a moment in the 80s when those little flaps on hats were quite popular. Especially on painters’ caps. Checkered ones. Were we,

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