New Field Report: Monkeywrench (1986) by KansasBrawler

KansasBrawler checks in this Father’s Day with a Field Report. It’s the Dreadnok Monkeywrench from 1986. Give it a look right here.
Read moreKansasBrawler checks in this Father’s Day with a Field Report. It’s the Dreadnok Monkeywrench from 1986. Give it a look right here.
Read moreThe Night Creeper from 2009’s Defense of Cobra Island multi-pack is another example of a mostly well executed take on a vintage figure design. The Flint arms are a bit of a bummer, but the positives about the rest of him manage to outweigh the poor parts choice. This updated figure does a better job of recreating the look of
Read moreWhile I didn’t care much for most of the Rise of Cobra movie based GI Joe and Cobra figure designs, the off-screen extras of non-movie figures had a share of very exciting new characters and troops. Night Adder showed up a little later in the movie run. A lot of those later wave toys were difficult for me to track
Read moreKansasBrawler is back with another vehicle review, the 1987 Cobra Buzz Boar. I’ve covered this one too, but there’s enough goofiness here to go around. Check it out here.
Read moreI’ve talked about my fondness for Marvel comic issue number two a few times in the course of this blog. It held a special place for me as a kid because I had a coloring book based on the issue. Someday I hope to track down a copy of it. The comic issue was a favorite for a couple of
Read moreTime for more Double Duty, the 12 inch line that gave kids more bang for their buck, with double the missions and equipment. This time, Joe is taking on an assignment of the mountain climbing and sniper variety. That’s one of the things I find fascinating about this short lived series: the juxtaposition of two sort-of-related military missions. This one
Read moreThough the Funskool GI Joes consisted of a lot of straight remakes of domestic US figures, there were also plenty of oddities mixed in. Near the end of the run, things got really weird. Remember the very literally accessorized Windmill? This Grunt falls somewhere along a less crazy line in terms of his look, although he’s still equipped with one
Read moreI’ve said this a few times before, and I’ll say it again here: I miss the o-ring. Now, before you tell me I’m just being a curmudgeon who pines only for the days of old, I’ll tell you no, in fact, I’ve passed curmudgeon and gone fully into ornery old coot territory. As far as longing only for the past,
Read moreBefore I started this blog, Battle Force 2000 and I had kind of a weird relationship. The last GI Joe figure that I bought as a kid was a member of BF2K, Knockdown to be exact. He didn’t leave the greatest impression on me, and my days as a kid collector of Joes ended with a whimper. I think in
Read moreShould a Cobra pilot really be considered an army builder? I know the answer is yes in the common sense, as a generic trooper type of which Cobra may employ hundreds. But as a collector, is it at all useful to pack them with infantry types when the pilot is for the most part useless without his signature vehicle? The
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