Field Report Friday: Hazard-Viper by KansasBrawler

It’s another Friday, and like clockwork, KansasBrawler has another super-detailed Field Report to share. Check out the 30th anniversary line’s Hazard-Viper right here.
Read moreIt’s another Friday, and like clockwork, KansasBrawler has another super-detailed Field Report to share. Check out the 30th anniversary line’s Hazard-Viper right here.
Read moreAs much grief as the GI Joe Extreme concept gets, there were some interesting aspects of Hasbro’s ill-fated second attempt to follow-up the Real American Hero era. The animated series and comic book were decent, for what they were, and certainly surpassed the toys in terms of overall entertainment value. As lackluster as the toys were, I do have a
Read moreHave you ever searched and searched for a toy, admiring it via pictures on packaging (or these days, online) and wondered whether you’re going to find it? Sure, there are more opportunities now than there used to be in terms of finding and buying exactly what you want. If you’ve got the money, between ebay and Amazon, pretty much everything
Read moreHere’s the biggest item I’ve covered yet! No, it’s not the USS Flagg, but it is practically a piece of furniture! This GI Joe toybox is pretty massive, comparatively. I picked this item up at a garage sale, believe it or not. I hear tales from Joe collectors about cool finds at garage sales or Craigslist and the like, but
Read more1994 was a sad year for this GI Joe collector, especially since I was an adult who had come back to the line just a few years before. The rug was pulled out too quickly for me. I had been excited to see each year’s new offerings, even though I had a different purpose for my little plastic men than
Read moreWhile I was generally underwhelmed by the Rise of Cobra film’s basic trooper, I found myself enjoying the figures that were the specialist troops. From the movie Eel to the Elite Viper and this Ice Viper, the less generic guys held more interest. Maybe I’m biased because I’ve always found something likeable about the environment specific Cobras, but the Ice
Read moreWe interrupt our regular Sigma Saturday post to bring you special coverage of Assembly Required 2013. This is the third year for regional event hosted by Codename: Iowa, and the group pulled out all the stops to put together an event that was impressive all-around. With a great new venue, the presence of well known Joe fan groups like Joe
Read moreThe very cool Renegades Cobra Trooper is in today’s Field Report spotlight. Check him out here.
Read moreThere weren’t too many laser-focused homage type figures in the first series of Joe’s 2002 relaunch. Old faves like Duke, Snake Eyes, Cobra Commander and Destro incorporated some elements of their former selves, but also diverged in new, and sometimes interesting ways. The Moray took cues from the vintage Eels, but injected a modern style that continues to impress me.
Read moreI still don’t quite know how I feel about Dennis Quaid portraying General Hawk in the Rise of Cobra. I suppose it shouldn’t be a big issue, considering the film in general strayed so far from the GI Joe cartoon, comic and toy fictions of the 1980s. This Hawk was not the leader of a lean American mobile strike force/anti-terrorist
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