Field Report Friday: Zanya by KansasBrawler

KansasBrawler continues his coverage of the Dreadnoks seven pack with Zanya. Check it out here.
Read moreKansasBrawler continues his coverage of the Dreadnoks seven pack with Zanya. Check it out here.
Read moreI’ve wondered about the 2001 GI Joes, with their odd renamings and new head sculpts. Remolds of Roadblock, Torpedo and even Duke were turned into new or different characters. Some of it I’m sure was due to rights issues with names, like Shockwave, whose moniker Hasbro also couldn’t apply to its Transformers brand. Creating new Joes was at least a
Read moreI’m a bit sorry that I missed out on the Iron Grenadiers concept in my younger days. Destro’s splinter group was introduced the year after I stopped buying GI Joes, and I think as a kid I would have been very interested in the toys. With an ornate, armored style being so prominent, I would have been drawn to them
Read moreA few days ago, I covered Rock ‘N Roll, who though he had a couple of issues, was one of my favorite comic pack versions of the ’82-83 Joes. Steeler on the other hand is, uh, well, look for yourself. I know the comic pack figures’ heads tended toward the small side, but poor Ralph Pulaski looks like he’s been
Read moreI don’t even recall where I picked up this image in my GI Joe internet image crawlings. I have no idea from whence it sprang; if it is from a dealer catalog, or a pack-in advert from the toys themselves? If the scan originated from anyone in particular, I apologize, and will certainly give credit where it’s due. On the
Read moreTonight, it’s another blast from the past, and also one of the earliest JAD posts. I can’t think of a more pink GI Joe figure than this one. Barbie-Viper, anyone? Check it out here.
Read moreFlag Points episode 44 is up, and we talked all about the Christmas catalogs/Wish books of old. I take the Knock It Off segment again, and it’s also catalog based. As you listen to the segment, follow along to the page from the 1987 JC Penney Christmas catalog right here. I promise it will be even more entertaining with a visual
Read moreI used to customize action figures quite a bit. I’d love to do some again, but I just can’t find the time these days (wonder why?) As a customizer, I wasn’t averse to doing a little sculpting work to bring a base figure in line with the look I wanted. Sometimes, however, I just didn’t want to go through the
Read moreIt’s Friday, and KansasBrawler checks in with 30th Anniversary Gnawgahyde. Check it out here.
Read moreIt’s a milestone! I’m amazed that the blog is up to 1,000 posts. Wow, it seems like only yesterday that I started this crazy mess. Anyway, it kind of snuck up on me. But I am one to celebrate such things, so today I’ve put together a little something different to share. Check out the video…
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