Field Report Friday: Rock Viper (PoC) by KansasBrawler

This week KansasBrawler takes a look back at the Rock Viper from the Pursuit of Cobra line. I only ever saw one of these in the wild. Check it out here.
Read moreThis week KansasBrawler takes a look back at the Rock Viper from the Pursuit of Cobra line. I only ever saw one of these in the wild. Check it out here.
Read moreI know this isn’t the first appearance of these things, but I found the pic to be a quite clear shot of all eight. It came from an insert called Terror on the Tundra, which I believe dates from 1991. The booklet is loaded with the sort of mail-in items that were still available via Hasbro Direct during the waning
Read moreI find the second series of Star Brigade figures to be much more interesting than their prececessors. Not only were some new parts mixed in among the reused elements, but the generic card art was jettisoned in favor of character specific packaging, in keeping with the rest of Real American Hero era. When there’s a giant (preferably painted) portrait on
Read moreMany of the o-ring style comic packs had head issues. The Joes in particular seemed to get the short end of the cranium stick. I’ve wondered if the smaller heads were a design choice, or the result of a manufacturing issue. After all, the newly designed figures of the era had more delicate sculpting and generally smaller heads. I hate
Read moreIt’s army builder time again. I remember pretty vividly picking up several of the Viper/Alley Viper packs that were released during the army builder wave of the Spy Troops series. Those fill-in troop builder waves of the time were quite a good idea, by the way. It kept product flowing to the shelves, and provided some interesting variations on both
Read moreFinally, I found this figure at retail. It seems like I’ve been hunting for it forever. Ever since I saw the first images online of the repainted “discount store” wave, this Snake Eyes, along with Storm Shadow, were a must-buy. In lieu of the 1991 coloring, it was done up in green. It’s something of an homage to the Heavy
Read moreI’ve mentioned it before: I’m not much of an army builder. If I like a troop type, the most I’ll buy is four or five. I flirted with the idea of putting together impressively sized forces during the 2000s, in particular its re-releases of several classic o-ring Cobra troops. I must have bought ten of the Operation Crimson Sabotage sets,
Read moreIn today’s Field Report, KansasBrawler remembers the Zartan family member no one seems to be able to remember. Does that make any sense? If you read the old file card, it does. Anyway, check it out here.
Read moreI consider myself an “opener” when it comes to toys. After all, if I can’t get my hands on it, what’s the point? While I love well made card and packaging art, that hasn’t translated into my collecting habits. So when I picked up this figure, I fully intended to open it up, as I’ve done with all the Funskool
Read moreThe internet exclusive BAT pack was one of those things I initially thought was going to be a real issue to get. My experience in toy collecting up to that point had been through the 90s, a time when the hobby had grown dramatically, and when the first collector focused toys began to appear en masse. With lines like Spawn
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