Ouch! I don’t care what famous leaders’ DNA soup you’re made from, that’s gotta hurt!
What better day than this to take a look at Serpentor’s unceremonious end in Marvel issue 76’s Battle of Springfield. After all, he shared DNA with Julius Caesar.
Every time I read the issue, it’s still effective. Arrow to the eye–THAKK!
I was perusing my hard drive for interesting GI Joe images when I came across this oldie from 2004. Remember when Hasbro's weird press image style was a stark white background with accessories laid flat or superimposed among the figures? Well, at least it's a more accurate representation of the…
Serpentor is one of the few GI Joe characters whose origin to me recalls horror elements. He's certainly of the Frankenstein monster's ilk, albeit created from a soup of DNA and synthetic flesh rather than reclaimed corpses. His origin story, at least in the trappings of its imagery and some…
I still remember reading issue #2 of the GI Joe comic, when the team first ran afoul of Kwinn, who would go on to become an early favorite character in the comic--wait, oh this the second issue of the DC GI Joe series. Oops, sorry for the mix-up. Once again,…
I read up on Harold and the Saxons after reading this issue. There were so many Hama throw away lines that lead me to my local library. This one, the Potemkin and Trodsky. All due to Hama.
Zartan is a chicken-poop. Murdered the Hard Master who wasn’t even the right target, which makes the swordsmith he apprentinced to kill himself. Killed Serpentor here simply because he backed the loser Fred. Later stabs Blind Master in the back. Never gets what he deserves, even surviving being buried in freighter because he had the ninja magic to detect botulism.
I read up on Harold and the Saxons after reading this issue. There were so many Hama throw away lines that lead me to my local library. This one, the Potemkin and Trodsky. All due to Hama.
I loved that aspect as well. This action ended the Cobra Civil War, not the battle of Springfield. A great comic storyline.
Awesome Ides of March tie in also!
”Serpentor is done in by an arrow.Then in latter issues ,he is kept packed in ice for”Cold storage”.
This was super dramatic.
Zartan is a chicken-poop. Murdered the Hard Master who wasn’t even the right target, which makes the swordsmith he apprentinced to kill himself. Killed Serpentor here simply because he backed the loser Fred. Later stabs Blind Master in the back. Never gets what he deserves, even surviving being buried in freighter because he had the ninja magic to detect botulism.
This is a great take on the Zartan character and completely inverts his personality and effectiveness. Nicely done!
I can imagine another cobra leader saying “I come not to praissss sserpentor but to bury him”