B.A.T. II v3.2 (2004)

The Hasbro 12 inch Joe figures of the 2000’s era included their share of hits and misses. Presumably as a cost-cutting measure, quite a few of the figures featured molded shirts rather than cloth. I always thought the look was cheap and knockoff-ish. A few, like Wild Bill, Bazooka, Agent Faces and Spirit actually received fully cloth costumes and were quite well done.

The 12 inch scale is a perfect medium to make a really effective BAT figure. This version, from the Valor vs. Venom series, stands out as one of my favorite and most detailed 12 inch Hasbro Joe molds in recent memory. The often too-skinny arm design of the time works well in this situation, as this version of the BAT is more robotic than the ’86 design.

The snap-on elbow joints are a very effective way of incorporating the traditional interchangeable BAT arm weapons. Though the figure doesn’t have a backpack to store the extra arm units, Hasbro helpfully inlcluded an elastic loop on the trousers. Not the perfect solution, but workable. As a fan of the Evil Dead films, I can totally get behind a figure with a removable chainsaw arm weapon. It’s BAT Ash! Finally, not since Tracker have we seen a pair of atomic kicks like the BAT is sporting–complete with robo-laces!

Hopefully Sideshow will get around to making their own 12 inch interpretation of the classic BAT design. I would definitely be on board for that figure.


  • Hasbro once gave us Mike Power, the Atomic Man and Bulletman, so a human/B.A.T. hybrid doesn’t sound too farfetched. But for some strange reason, the RAH 12” figures have always bombed much like the 70’s Adventure Team superheroes did before them. There’s something about the size range which apparently only works when there’s a generic military or action/adventure theme involved.

    • 12 inch Joes never seem to work at retail anymore. Their last hurrah was in the 90’s when 12″ figures where everywhere. I think their legacy is the reason Hasbro keeps trying them. Recently they did generic military guys but that was a short lived line. The audience just isn’t there anymore. Most serious 12″ ethusiasts moved on to other brands and the rise of plastic and production cost push their price point farther away from general consumers.

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