Coloring Time: Snake Eyes’ Judo Moves

Snake Eyes gives old Storm Shadow the judo what-for in today’s coloring page. I like the clear view of Snakes’ wrist arrow-thingie. Unfortunate that we didn’t see him use it more often.
Read moreSnake Eyes gives old Storm Shadow the judo what-for in today’s coloring page. I like the clear view of Snakes’ wrist arrow-thingie. Unfortunate that we didn’t see him use it more often.
Read moreThe Real American Hero series’ package art style gave equal weight to both the ridiculous and sublime. Sneak Peek has never been one of my favorite figures, but his card art is certainly interesting. I rarely think of this figure’s M-16, considering that his field imagining device is such a dominating accessory. The portrait work catches my eye, and it’s
Read moreBy KansasBrawler I’m already on record here with my love of the old Cobra Rocket Pack and my love of B.A.T.s. For a souvenir set this year, the GIJCC decided to mix my peanut butter and chocolate and create the B.A.T. Rocket Pack. The fact that this souvenir was still available after Joe Con was a bit part of what
Read moreSorry to make everyone sad, but here’s a classic TRU ad.
Read moreAre you an original Destro fan or Iron Grenadiers Destro fan? I find there are elements of both that I enjoy, be it action figure or comic portrayal. The 25th anniversary series focused on this particular mold several times, and the comic interpretation got quite a lot of exposure in just a couple of years. While the other repaints of
Read moreIf there’s one thing Lanard packs into its vehicles, play value is it. I can’t think of any other budget toy maker that gives kids as much bang for their buck. While such things may not be a collector’s cup of tea, little ones dig action features. The Havoc Chopper is a neat little one-man copter. The silhouette is similar
Read moreBy Past Nastification GI Joe was dead, at least in 1:18th scale, in 1996. Like many of us now in our mid 40’s, even if 1:18 GI Joe wasn’t dead then, it would have been dead to me anyway. I had outgrown it around 1988 and wouldn’t rediscover my love of GI Joe as adult collector/customizer until the Stars ‘n
Read moreCobra gets the spotlight in the third issue of the Order of Battle mini-series. If you haven’t heard of it, the comic ran four issues, and was set up in much the same style as the 1980s Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Since Joe had readymade filecard info, this was I’m sure a no-brainer for the House of Ideas. I
Read moreBy KansasBrawler It’s time for another KansasBrawler confession. I like a lot of early Joe vehicles, but I’ve never really liked the vintage Polar Battle Bear. For some reason, that vehicle just never really spoke to me. If I had to venture a guess, I’d say it’s probably because, growing up in a town in South Dakota that manufactures front
Read moreWrapping up the GI Joe File are two more pages, featuring a full page of Zap as well as the continuation of the Larry Hama interview and Steeler with the MOBAT. Gotta love that full page pin-up. Excelsior!
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