Naked VAMP Mark II

So I picked up this unstickered VAMP Mark II years ago, and just discovered it again. So the question is: should I buy some repro stickers for it, or leave it alone? Actually, I kind of like the look of it as is.
Read moreSo I picked up this unstickered VAMP Mark II years ago, and just discovered it again. So the question is: should I buy some repro stickers for it, or leave it alone? Actually, I kind of like the look of it as is.
Read moreBy KansasBrawler I don’t quite know why, but as a kid I was somewhat fascinated with Tiger Force Lifeline. My guess is that it’s because my brother had the original 1986 version and I liked him but didn’t want a figure identical to my big brother’s, and the Tiger Force version would have allowed me have my own version of
Read moreI’ve covered an individual figure from this set before, but I thought it might be interesting to look at the package as a whole. When the Infantry Division set hit Toys R Us, I initially bought only a single copy. I didn’t think that I would care for it much, but there was something about it that struck my fancy.
Read moreRemember when Halley’s Comet came around in the 80s, and folks thought it might signal the end of the world? Okay, most folks didn’t, but the event sure made for some great fodder for throw-away adventure stories. The Killer Comet is yet another in the GI Joe not-a-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure® book series. Gung Ho and Lady Jaye look mighty serious here, posing
Read moreFlint seems to always get mixed up in some sort of trouble when he goes on vacation. If he’s not finding brainwashed towns he’s running afoul of international terrorists across the pond. Guy can’t catch a break. At least he knows how to dress to impress no matter where he goes. The body mold uses one of the great later
Read moreRemember when the yearly club exclusive figure was something you didn’t really give two Flints about? Consider this final club year’s offerings of Mike Power and Pythona against the first Jungle Viper. How far we’ve come. To tell the truth, I liked the Jungle Viper figure. Your mileage may vary, of course, but I also appreciate the new sculpt era
Read moreI promise I’ll stop with the Iron Grenadiers soon. It just seems to be a fascination. Of course, so is package art. The toy doesn’t do much for me, but I dig the painting.
Read moreBy KansasBrawler When it became clear that the GIJCC was going back to Iron Grenadiers for this year’s con set, I figured Undertow was going to be on the GIJCC’s short list for figures they could make. After all, there aren’t that many Iron Grenadier troopers left to cover. Plus, it is a figure with a decent fan following. The
Read moreThe AGP is one of those vehicles about which I find myself saying, “Oh yeah, that exists.” I’m not trying to be rude, but the thing just doesn’t hold much interest for me. I also have no nostalgia for it, since I wasn’t collecting the toys at the time of its release. Even among the Iron Grenadiers vehicles, it seems
Read moreIn the 90s, I was back into collecting toys, and buying all the latest issues of Tomart’s and Lee’s to check out the latest releases. Both frequently published bits of Toy Fair catalogs each season. I’m amazed that I missed the fact Kenner re-purposed the Firebat for its VR Troopers toy line. Then again, I wasn’t exactly impressed by yet
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