Field Report Friday: Retaliation Lady Jaye by KansasBrawler

Another Friday, and another Field Report. Retaliation Lady Jaye is in the spotlight, along with her bevy of weapons. Check her out right here.
Read moreAnother Friday, and another Field Report. Retaliation Lady Jaye is in the spotlight, along with her bevy of weapons. Check her out right here.
Read moreThe Blind Master scene in GI Joe: Retaliation made for some great unintentional hilarity. I know that a GI Joe film doesn’t mean you should expect high level acting, but holy cow. I don’t think I’ve seen line reads that bad this side of Birdemic: Shock and Terror. As goofy a scene as it was, there was a lot to
Read moreHow dedicated am I to showcasing figures from all corners of the GI Joe world? How about Action Attack Duke. Sure, I could have passed him up, but I think looking at a loathed toy can provide a little perspective. For those who don’t care to feast their eyes upon him, turn back now and wait for tomorrow’s entry. But
Read moreFrom its beginning in 1982, the small GI Joe line had an impressive tank. The MOBAT was a battery powered workhorse in my army, and was a brilliantly designed fast attack tank. Its smaller size in comparison to later Joe tanks spoke to the early team’s purpose as a force that could be deployed quickly in any number of locales.
Read moreDestro changed up his style with this release, opting for a longer, almost safari type jacket done up in grey. We’re so used to Destro’s original uniform, with its mix of Disco and supervillain sleek, that any deviation seems odd. However, this more militaristic look also suits him, and is one that I wouldn’t mind seeing the character revisit. I
Read moreData Viper brings back memories of 80s GI Joe play. Back then, I knew next to nothing about the specialties and equipment of the toys. I usually asked my dad what some of the terminology meant, and whether he recognized the weapons and equipment from his time in the Army. He filled in most of the blanks, but some of
Read moreIt’s your Joe Moment of Zen…
Read moreKansasBrawler is ever faithful to his weekly Field Reports. He’s a reviewing machine! Check out his views on the Agent Mouse figure AKA Joseph Mazzello AKA Tim Murphy. You know, I still laugh at the scene in Jurassic Park when little Tim gets blasted off the electric fence. Is that wrong? Too bad they couldn’t work a reference to that
Read moreWhen I started collecting GI Joes again in the early 90s, there were some toys from my youth that I had somehow forgotten about. The Sears exclusive Dreadnok vehicles were one memory that had mysteriously vanished from my mind. I know that I must have seen them in the Christmas catalog that year, as I pored over each store’s version
Read moreWhat happened here? Low Light hit the hair dye. One of the strangest changes of the reimagined figures over the years, fans still wonder why Low Light went from a clean shaven blondeĀ to a grizzled raven haired soldier. Somebody just wasn’t too concerned with toy continuity. Not surprising, since a market of vocal and nit picky adult collectors didn’t
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