Today's Toy Fair catalog page comes from Hasbro's 1994 catalog. The new items for the final year of RAH Joe included the Power Fighters, a pair of Joe and Cobra mechs. I find this interesting because mechs later became something of a focus in the 2000s and modern years. These…
Though I was disappointed about the Real American Hero line ending in 1994, I was excited by some of the vehicles coming in the new Sgt. Savage line. The P-40 Warhawk still impresses me, and this catalog page shows off the vehicles in nice detail. Gotta love that golden hour…
Thanks for this one! I recently got the last Star Brigade Cobra figures for my collection and seeing that ad was a great treat. I’ve gained a lot more appreciation for these guys now than when they first came out.
Funny how some of these figures have different weapons than their actual releases. (And that someone accidentally mislabeled Countdown and Ozone…)
Coincidentally, I’m watching a little old school sci-fi: 1954’s “GOG”, the third in Ivan Tors’ OSI (Office of Scientific Investigation) trilogy.
Duke’s helmet looks like a Devo planter helmet here. And Effects is outgunned 9-to-1 there.
Thanks for this one! I recently got the last Star Brigade Cobra figures for my collection and seeing that ad was a great treat. I’ve gained a lot more appreciation for these guys now than when they first came out.
My only major complaint about that incarnation of Duke is that his helmet wont do much good in a vacuum.
Hey, look! That Effects is wearing GLOVES in SPACE!
He’s a genius!
The last days of Rome…
But I love Space Shot (Freddie Mercury) and Effects!
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