13 Days of Halloween: Warwolf
The Manimals certainly would have been a unique experiment within the Real American Hero line. I say would have since their planned release at the tail end of the RAH era was axed. Fortunately, three of the figures saw release via K-B Toys in 2001.
Warwolf transforms from an ugly humanoid to a…ummm…alien crocodile? Whatever he is, he doesn’t resemble a wolf. I suppose someone thought the pun-o-riffic play on the word werewolf just had to be used no matter what. Articulation had to take a back seat to the transforming action feature, but on the positive side, the usual arm movement was preserved.
Warwolf’s package art and his pre-production figure pictured in this Toy Fair catalog page look much better to me than the darker colors of the final version. Other than the skin tone, there isn’t much contrast to his uniform. The light skin tone doesn’t work as well as a more unearthly hue. A few more highlighted paint apps would also have brought out what are some nice details in the sculpt.
Wow, ya the catalog photo is so much better. The uniform color scheme and the head in “alien colors”. The skin tone on the released figure isn’t great, and that it’s trying to paint an alien sculpt head into a human sculpt head even worse! Though I do kinda wish I had bought the 3 that got released now. I only went for Slither back in that day.
You beat me to him by a week!
Warwolf’s ’94 coloring is substantially better than this version’s. The skin tone really didn’t work. The “wolf” head is nicely detailed and painted and he has an articulated tongue. If he had the eyes from the artwork on the alien face, I think he’s be more interesting.
Does that mean you’re blogging somewhere again, Forgotten Figures? If so, where? I know you’d kind of stepped back after your site crashed again (due to circumstances beyond your control) and you lost a lot of stuff, but I missed reading your reviews.
I am back. You can see my Warwolf here:
I called Iguanus for Halloween 2019, thought!
Where o where is my Warwolf
An Icon!
So dumb, yet amusing. They wanted too much for them at $10 each in 2001. Supposedly Funskool got the molds and they close to releasing the other 3.
It’s like a cross between a Thundercats figure and a Ghostbusters Haunted Human.