Flying Submarine (

Time for another Geewunner creation. This one is the largest and most impressive set we’ve yet covered, and is based on one of the early 80s classics. My original SHARC logged many hours in my family swimming pool during the summer of ’84. By the end of the year, its stickers had been chlorine bleached pretty badly. I didn’t care.

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Cutter (2013 Kre-O)

No, it’s not an exclusive brick version of the long forgotten GI Joe barber, it’s the pilot of the WHALE. Unfortunately for 80s nostalgists, that impressive watercraft was not rendered in the Kre-O format. Instead, Cutter commander the Thunderwave Jet Boat, a moderately sized and fun vehicle in its own right. The boat didn’t really have a corollary in the

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Wild Bill (2008 Comic Pack)

Some fans of Sunbow’s GI Joe cartoon have for years clamored for toy versions of the series’ interpretations of some key characters. From the slightly different, like Flint in a new shade of fatigue shirt or Cobra Commander with a striped battle helmet, to the radically altered like Airborne and Steeler. Some of the changes make for oddities that only

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Road Bullet (1995)

Extreme times call for extreme firepower, and extreme times also call for extreme motorcycles. Hell, extreme times call for extreme everything. While GI Joe Extreme left a lot to be desired with regards to figures, especially when compared to the Real American Hero series, I found the vehicles to be quite fun and refreshingly different. Honestly, there’s not a whole

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Free “Fridge” Action Figure!

If you need any further proof that GI Joe was a big deal back in the 80s, check out this fantastic ad for the 1986 tie-in mail-in figure, the Fridge. I wonder what would happen if I called that 900 number? Maybe the Fridge would answer, and I could ask him if Mike Singletary really was a samurai. Thank you,

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