Arctic Threat Doc

By KansasBrawler Store exclusives are sometimes the bane of my existence. First of all, it’s kind of annoying when you can only get a figure at one certain store. It’s even more annoying when the store is not in your town, and it’s even more annoying when there’s only one of those stores within reasonable driving distance. That being said,

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Crazylegs (1987)

Crazylegs would seem to be a weird code name for airborne assault, but I was used to the name in some respect, as my Dad was prone to mention Elroy “Crazylegs” Hirsch when I was young. Why did he? I have no idea. But that’s my crazylegs story. Crazylegs to me is one of those figures who just always seem

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Scarlett (1997)

Only three out of the eight figures in the Stars and Stripes set were worth a darn to me. The rest were either ill-advised repaints or Hall of Fame stinkers (looking at you, Breaker). Stalker, Snake Eyes and Scarlett were acceptable remakes. Weird semi translucent plastic skin tone notwithstanding, I like the changed paint scheme here. Scarlett is more colorful

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Bullet-Proof (1993)

I know I’m unusual in this, but I’ve got a thing for the 1993 series. I won’t say it began when I was buying the figures off the pegs back in the day, but it certainly started to take hold when I re-visited my collection as part of this blog. The year’s Battle Corps offerings are a combination of brightly-colored

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Tiger Fish (1989)

Is there anything that can’t be made cooler with a animal mouth motif painted on the front of it? Not that the Devilfish needed any help in the coolness department. For a small vehicle, it sure rose to the top of my list quickly in ’86 and saw tons of use both in the living room and pool. I suppose

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