Coloring Time: Coffee Break

What’s more exciting for a kid to color than four guys hanging around and having coffee? Later in the same book, they argue about who gets to clean the head.
Read moreWhat’s more exciting for a kid to color than four guys hanging around and having coffee? Later in the same book, they argue about who gets to clean the head.
Read moreWill and I spent a little time in the JAD bunker this afternoon, and I dug out the Night Attack Chopper. He immediately wanted to take it upstairs and shoot at some Cobras with the gatling missiles. A fun time was had blowing away new sculpt Vipers, to be sure. We then decided to take a walk, but Will wanted
Read moreBy KansasBrawler For the longest time, the original Joe Con Iron Anvil was a big hole in my collection. I had just learned about the GIJCC in college and really wished I’d been able to get to Joe Con in Minneapolis that year, but it wasn’t to be. When I was finally able to go to my first Joe Con
Read moreHow can you make the Pulverizer look cool? How about sticking it in a nice diorama environment and publishing it in a seldom seen international catalog? Sounds about right to me. While it doesn’t measure up to the ludicrous brilliance of the Cobra Rat, the vehicle nevertheless piques my interest for its uniqueness.* And hey–Scoop gets some exposure as well.
Read moreAirborne was one of the first GI Joes, along with Scrap Iron, that made me realize Hasbro was reusing parts to create multiple characters. The kneepads and boots were a dead giveaway. The backpack was another suspiciously familiar accessory. Was he borrowing it from Duke, or vice versa? Much of the success of a minifigure based on existing material, especially
Read moreThis just in (from 1989), three federal judges determined that Hasbro had to continue to classify GI Joe as a doll, at least in the context of import tariffs. Well ain’t that a B. All these years, I’ve argued with my wife that I don’t collect and play with dolls. Now I guess I have to man up and admit
Read moreWe were fortunate to be able to cover Kansas City’s Planet Comicon for its fourth year in a larger venue. 2016 was even bigger than previous years, in terms of size and scope. Along with vendors, artists, writers and guests, there was a large contingent of cosplayers, including the GI Joe costume group The Finest. They returned with their life-sized
Read moreBreaker is one of the more recognizable of the early 70s Joes. Thanks to his memorable card art, with its focus on his unique comm gear, he became an early favorite for many kids. I always associated him with the RAM cycle, since he was pictures on its box art. Are there any other Joes you associate with vehicles because
Read moreBy KansasBrawler I was in high school when I first started getting into the online Joe collecting community. I don’t recall how I originally found anymore, but it became a go-to site for me when I was killing time online back in the days of dial-up Internet service. It was a great resource for me when it came to
Read moreInspired by the amazing newspaper toy ads that Phillip over at regularly unearths, I thought I would do a little digging to locate a TV listing circa my favorite cartoon era. Getting more specific, I wondered if I could find a listing for the debut episode of GI Joe: A Real American Hero AKA the MASS Device mini-series. What
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