Captivating Cover: Never Give Up!

Is that in reference to Heavy Duty or the Cobra CLAWS here? Regardless–never give up on that chokehold, kkds!
Read moreIs that in reference to Heavy Duty or the Cobra CLAWS here? Regardless–never give up on that chokehold, kkds!
Read moreBy KansasBrawler When the GIJCC first announced the Sky Patrol theme, I was excited. However, I didn’t really know what they could do with the Cobra side of things. Yes, there were the two international Sky Patrol Cobras, but beyond that, I wasn’t quite sure what way they’d go for army builders. I think Night Vulture was the first army
Read moreBy Past Nastification Funskool usually had two approaches to its color schemes. The first was to keep figures about the same as their American releases. The second was to go random with gaudy and clashing colors guaranteed to create motion sickness. Those figures were fun not because they were good, but because they were outside the norm. But every
Read moreIdeal’s Captain Action series of licensed super hero outfits would seem like a natural formula for success. Based on the razor and blades concept that made Barbie and GI Joe champions of the toy aisle, the Captain was a basic twelve inch doll who could be outfitted as any number of comic and/or TV heroes. The series didn’t last long,
Read moreI’ve been re-reading some of the comics from my younger days lately thanks to the miracle of comic scans. The fact that anything I want to read is at my fingertips is quite amazing. More amazing are the discoveries of advertisements within the pages. Some I can recall vividly, and others seem new to me. This GI Joe ad was
Read moreBy KansasBrawler I’ve mentioned before that I’m not super into foreign Joe figures. While I think they’re interesting variations on things we’ve seen in America, I generally don’t think they’re something I need to track down. However, there is one exception to that rule—the international Sky Patrol figures. I’ve always been strangely fascinated with those figures, especially since the international
Read moreWrapping up the SDCC version of the Danger at the Docks set, here’s the Cobra Night Raft. If you’re a vintage 80s Joe fan, you’ll remember this vehicle as famously featuring Firefly on its packaging. I don’t think there’s a more iconic pairing of figure and vehicle from the era. Here, the raft is matched up with the Cobra Eel.
Read moreAs a kid, the MP figures were some of my favorites. Both Mutt & Junkyard and Law & Order saw lots of use in my Joe team. The animal companion concept was a unique feature of the 80s line, and the dogs in particular were great. Junkyard and Order were quite formidable fighters in my Joeverse. While 1987 had more
Read moreFor the past several years, I’ve been choosing the club’s 12 inch yearly incentive figure. My interest was piqued first by the henchman figure that made its debut as a convention exclusive. Then the Man of Evil was released, and after the expected 50th anniversary figure, was later followed by weirdos like Dr. Isotope and Mike Power. This year, The
Read moreBy KansasBrawler I’ve been a little obsessed with the vintage Sky Patrol figures ever since I got back into the Joe brand when I was in high school. However, if there was one figure I always thought was a little weak, it was Airwave. His vintage figure just didn’t seem all that impressive. I wasn’t expecting a lot out of
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