Sigma Saturday: Dark Ninja Master (2007)


Not only is this another Sigma 6 entry, but it’s also a flash back to one of my earliest posts covering the series. My opinions haven’t changed in regards to the sometimes derided detour in Joe’s storied past. Reading back over this post, I have to disagree with my past self, and say that, having seen a custom of such, I think this guy just might work in a modern style. I mean, look at Shadow Tracker. He was more than a little crazy, but still worked as a cool new modern character and figure.

Anyway, take a trip into the Joe A Day archives and revisit the incredible Dark Ninja Master. He’s waiting for you, troll doll hair and all.


  • Battle trolls?

  • Saw this guy on the pegs years ago, and I wish now I’d grabbed him. Even though he’s a crazy concept for a “Joe” he’s definitely just hands-down an awesome figure. The white paint on the translucent red body was a great effect, and the masks with that crazy hair looked pretty cool, too.

  • An awesome action figure for sure.

  • Shadow Tracker was an excellent homage to the original Predator so I could see this guy as something along that vein, I suppose. The hair reminds me a lot of Warlock from the New Mutants but I’m sure Rob is thinking of someone else.

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