The prolific KansasBrawler has another modern GI Joe Field Report subject to share. It’s the HISS and Cobra Commander from Retaliation. I really like the Cobra Commander figure here, despite the reduced articulation. But don’t just listen to me, check out KB’s review here.
That's a mouthful, huh? I wanted to be able to differentiate from the other Cobra Commander figures released as part of the Retaliation line. I was actually surprised to see the Commander as a driver figure. It's kind of an oddity, considering that named command level Cobras have usually been…
Cobra Commander bears little resemblance to the character's appearance in the Retaliation film, aside from some similarity to the helmet design. But I'm not going to rag on it, because it's a dang cool toy. Cobra Commander was the first Real American Hero figure of my youth, and he's always…
As much as I liked the Pursuit of Cobra line, I found its versions of Cobra Commander to be lacking. The Pursuit of Cobra relied too much on the movie look, which didn't work for me; even the third wave version's addition of the classic helmet didn't impress. In fact, I haven't…
Great job, Kansas!