Countdown (1989)

Finally, I’m covering a Joe astronaut figure that wasn’t first a Star Brigade member. The mold did get repainted to death for the later astronaut sub-line, but I find this original version to be the best. Like other 1989 GI Joes, his interest for me lies in his accessories.

I recall seeing this figure listed on the back of 1990 figures when I began coming back into Joe collecting in 1991. Judging by the character art, he looked like quite an exciting figure. I never had the Defiant or Payload, so this seemed to be a chance to finally pick up a Joe astronaut. Unfortunately, all the ’89 figures were gone from local stores, and I didn’t pick him up until a few years later via flea market shopping. I had the Star Brigade molds from 1993, but without the unique accessories of the original, they just didn’t compare.

The accessories, which never made a reappearance in later versions, set the figure apart from the repaints. The backpack features not only pivoting maneuvering thrusters, but also a sliding action feature. I don’t know why I continue to be fascinated with toys that can slide down a string. Maybe it’s because I didn’t have a zipline in my backyard as a kid. Anyway, the sliding action doesn’t really simulate space activity, although I suppose it could be used to somewhat represent a spacewalk. The lone weapon, which according to the package art is a grappling gun, could also function as a hand held maneuvering thruster.

Ultimately, this figure isn’t may favorite Joe astronaut in terms of looks (the original Payload wins out) but I still enjoy his unique and fun accessories. I just have to hope that he doesn’t decide to turn yellow.


  • I love this figure, I found one at an antique shop around ’07 or so, along with Dee-Jay, the ’89 Deep-Six, and Metal-Head. For some reason, it has the same arm problem as the Eco-Warriors Flint I got a while back, in that either the shoulder is too big, or the arm slot on the torso is too small; either way, it causes a gap to appear between both halves of the torso.

  • Acer, I hate when a figure turns out to have that torso gap. It’s happened to me a few times as well.

    I’ve never been a fan of the astronaut figures. The thing about Countdown is that I could never figure out his helmet. I can see Hasbro going for a “modern army” approach like they did in ’82 and giving us an stylized NASA suit, but that helmet didn’t quite fit in right somehow. Although I never had him, the first two Payload figures always looked more realistic.

  • Countdown is one of my favorites in my collection.

  • I’m not crazy about astronauts, and this one doesn’t look bulky enough to be one, but it’s an excellent pilot uniform. Would be a good update to ’83 Ace.

  • I dislike the holster in the middle of his chest, mucks up the design.

    Also, he has darker skin than regular caucasian Joes. Never sure why that was.

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