Coloring Book Spotlight: Greenshirt Infantry
The Greenshirt, or GI Joe Nameless Infantryman, is a well-known concept among 1980s Joe fans, particularly considering the influence of the Sunbow cartoon. The toyline didn’t recognize these troopers until the 2000s, but a 1989 coloring book featured them. They even bear some resemblance to the animated counterpart. Get out your green crayons!
I think I found that coloring book in my basement while I was cleaning recently. Is Rock ‘N’ Roll in charge of guarding a base and the Iron Grenadiers attack it?
Poor nameless legions of greenshirts…
Nicely detailed and proportioned for a coloring book! I’m all for the Joes having some nameless support staff to do the menial work, but always thought it weird their helmets looked like turn of the century football gear.
Cobra needs someone to shoot at.
I like the green shirts.