Cobra CLAWS (2004)

The new sculpt era was filled with new troop types for Cobra. I totally dig that. After all, why create a new line if it ends up being solely a recreation of something we’ve already had? At the beginning of this new era, Cobra was free from classically styled blueshirts, Vipers, Crimson Guards, and the like. They were replaced with Neo Vipers and variations of this figure, Cobra CLAWS.

An acronym for Combat Light Armored Weapons Specialist, the troops were a close cousin of sorts to the HEAT, Flak, and SAW Vipers of the previous era. They functioned in a more generic role, filling the ranks with both missile launchers and heavy machine guns. Seems like a cost saving move on the part of Cobra Command, cutting down on the number of specialist types, and broadening equipment and training among a larger group. They’re also equipped with high tech light armor that serves to protect them when going up against heavily armed vehicles. Imagine that, a Cobra trooper afforded a little protection from enemy fire.

If the weapon looks familiar, it’s because it hails from the aforementioned original HEAT Viper. This time, the control hose plugs into the weapon itself instead of the figure’s helmet. The change makes the launcher a much easier load for the CLAWS figure to handle.

This was the first o-ring version of the CLAWS available in the original 2002 release’s color scheme, a figure which was equipped with the dreaded t-crotch. This figure was available as part of the affordably priced single carded figures that were available via discount stores like Dollar General. One could cheaply amass quite an army at three dollars each.


  • I always liked this guy. I just wish they’d released the red O-ringed version somewhere along the line in an army builder pack. For the longest time, in my area, there weren’t a lot of major chain dollar stores so I never knew about a red O-ringed version. Personally, I think red looked best on these guys and to know that there’s a version out there with O-ring construction is pretty nice to see, actually.

  • The hose alteration on the weapon is a huge improvement here.

  • I thought that weapon looked familiar. I personally thought the spy troops figures were good [for the time] but the down side to them was that silly costume gimmick they were all based on

  • I’m still trying to make a trade for one of these.

  • Cool character design, but like others from that era has a small head. There’s supposed to be a human under that mask.

    I like that they did the o-ring version of the t-crotch release. Too bad they didn’t also do the brown one and that the Morays were never upgraded to o-rings at all.

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