Cobra Battle Android Troopers lend themselves well to variants, as evidenced by official Hasbro repaints as well as factory custom figures. Who doesn’t love the option to collect a veritable rainbow of mechanized death?
The 25th Anniversary BAT figure remains one of my favorites from the era. The original design translated amazingly well to the more detailed and articulated style. With two removable arm attachments, the BAT was a serious upgrade from its vintage counterpart. The Resolute version takes the BAT into fearsome territory with a monochromatic color scheme and red highlights. This is no laughable tin can trooper, but rather a fearsome and capable fighter.
How's this for a regal Destro? After years of supervillain disco chic and Scottish swashblucker ensembles, the famous weapons supplier's look was reimagined for the Resolute animated special. More than any other, this is a Destro in command. Right off the bat, I'm reminded of a previous Destro design that…
So I guess at some point Dr. Mindbender gave up on a fully humanoid appearance for his battle androids and opted to crib from Terminator. I can't believe a man as smart as Mindbender would need to blatantly copy like that. I suppose there's no accounting for style plagiarism, as…
The Cobra Officer goes way way back to the beginnings of the relaunched 1980s GI Joe line. Though the differences between it and the Cobra soldier seemed small to me as a kid, I now see how unique that figure appears next to his rank and file comrade. Such was…
This BAT mold is nearly timeless. When it originally came out in the 25th era, many of the other contemporary figures quickly became somewhat dated in their builds as Hasbro continued to improve with the Pursuit of Cobra and Retaliation lines. The BAT has survived all of them. It works just as well with the modern era figures as well as it did with the 25th figures. As far as design, functionality, and pure awesomeness, the BAT build is easily a top five figure from the 25th and beyond eras of GI Joe.
This BAT mold is nearly timeless. When it originally came out in the 25th era, many of the other contemporary figures quickly became somewhat dated in their builds as Hasbro continued to improve with the Pursuit of Cobra and Retaliation lines. The BAT has survived all of them. It works just as well with the modern era figures as well as it did with the 25th figures. As far as design, functionality, and pure awesomeness, the BAT build is easily a top five figure from the 25th and beyond eras of GI Joe.