Video Review: 1985 Airtight

It’s been a while since I’ve done a video review, and I thought it might be interesting to revisit some of the earliest figures we spotlighted on the blog. More to come soon.
Read moreIt’s been a while since I’ve done a video review, and I thought it might be interesting to revisit some of the earliest figures we spotlighted on the blog. More to come soon.
Read moreAs we’ve covered before, the battlefield accessories were great extras to add to your living room or backyard warfare. Hasbro spent as much effort in making and marketing these sets as they did their larger vehicle offerings. The Ammo Dump box art clearly shows all the bits in the kit, and even cross-sells Recondo in the process. Diabolical marketing strikes
Read moreIn 1994, I was so excited to be a GI Joe collector. Everything seemed to be perfect from the standpoint of collecting both current and older toys. In my area, flea markets and antique stores were plentiful and Joes could be had cheaply (even at garage sales!). In Toys R Us, Walmart and other stores, new releases were easy to
Read moreI’m not afraid to say that I adore the Sigma 6 line. That’s not too odd a thing to say these days, as more Joe fans seem to appreciate the series than when it was first released. However, while much more respect is paid to the large scale figures, the smaller vehicles and action sets stil don’t seem to get
Read moreRight off–a few words of “shame on me”. First, this figure is not complete. I can’t seem to find his grapple rifle, which bums me out because it’s such a great accessory. Second, I’ve been missing posts here and there. Yeah, life is busy, and toy blogs come in lower on the priority list. I’m still here though, so–yay! Third,
Read moreWhen I was a kid, I had checked out a toy history book from the local library (from the reference section not to be taken from the building–shhh! Don’t tell anyone!) and it had old 60s and 70s catalog pages printed throughout. The 12 inch Adventure Team Joes were featured prominently, and I remember being enthralled and perplexed about the
Read moreI always wondered just what the acronym AVAC stood for. I didn’t notice anything referring to its meaning until the release of this figure in the first lineup of 25th anniversary vehicles. Air Viper, Advanced Class is referenced on the newer file card, and that makes perfect sense in light of the original figure’s file card. It referred to the
Read moreEven late in the Real American Hero era, packaging art was impressive. The Armor-Bot as a toy is itself marvelously huge for a 90s Joe vehicle. Heck, the painting of Hawk in his Armor Tech duds is much more interesting than the actual figure. Now there’s a fig that needs to be revisited in the modern style. I wonder if
Read moreAirborne was one of the first GI Joes, along with Scrap Iron, that made me realize Hasbro was reusing parts to create multiple characters. The kneepads and boots were a dead giveaway. The backpack was another suspiciously familiar accessory. Was he borrowing it from Duke, or vice versa? Much of the success of a minifigure based on existing material, especially
Read moreOh, what could have been. When the collectors club announced its series of small-scale versions of the Adventure Team, I was excited about the possibilities. Sure, it would be great to integrate these legendary members of the GI Joe legacy into the smaller scale, but I was imagining the translations of the Adventure Team’s vehicles, accessories and mission-specific outfits as
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