By Past Nastification Funskool usually had two approaches to its color schemes. The first was to keep figures about the same as their American releases. The second was to go random with gaudy and clashing colors guaranteed to create motion sickness. Those figures were fun not because they were good,…
Zartan is one of my favorite GI Joe figures, so when I saw a Funskool version, I just had to pick it up. In the early 2000s, the closest I had to a remade o-ring version of the master of disguise was the disappointing collectors series release. You remember the…
Ah, Funskool. Someone at the company must have known what joy they would give to GI Joe collectors. After all, they put the word fun right in the name! I certainly find their figures to be fun, especially when pack-ins were added, like Grunt's first aid case/stamper, Law's Cracker Jackish…
Another one of those cases where the accessories can be salvageable. The torso too, if you paint the lime green parts a different color. Maybe the legs if you removed the blue pain splotches.
If i didnt know any better i would have sworn that was a Battle Corps figure. I heard that it was Funschool CROSS COUNTRY [i think] came with a chrome gun
Another one of those cases where the accessories can be salvageable. The torso too, if you paint the lime green parts a different color. Maybe the legs if you removed the blue pain splotches.
I keep forgetting that his mouth is visible. Those lighter colors do bring the details out nicely.
If i didnt know any better i would have sworn that was a Battle Corps figure. I heard that it was Funschool CROSS COUNTRY [i think] came with a chrome gun
He did–chrome versions of Battle Corps Dial-Tone’s accessories.
I did not know what a haiku was until I bought Budo back in the day.
Now I know.
Funny how these [frankly ugly] toys command really high prices. But I shouldnt complain as i have a carded D.E.F Muskrat
I think his colors are great!! I’ve been known to rock the lime green look myself…
If this is the only classic mold o-ring figure we’re gonna get, it’ll have to suffice.
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Does anybody know how much this Funskol G.I.JOE Beachhead is worth?