On the 10th Joe A Day…

With just two more days in our holiday celebration of posts rigidly based on numbers, we’ve come to a nice even number of ten. Since there are ten of them in all, here are the GI Joe Battle Ribbons. One of the more impressive and most highly referential toy items to the Marvel comic mythos of the Real American Hero

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12 Joe A Days: Day 9

On the ninth Joe A Day of Christmas, I lamely found something that relates to the number nine. Look, people, this holiday theme thing is harder than it seems. So to start over…on the ninth Joe A Day, it’s the 1982 nine back. I’m surprised that there’s not as much focus on cardback versions in Joe collecting as there is

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12 Joe A Days of Xmas: Day 6

It’s the sixth day, and sort of relating to six geese a laying is this exclusive six pack, with which Hasbro and Toys R Us laid an egg back in 2005. The “greenshirt” concept in modern GI Joe is something of a mismatch, considering the team’s nature as a group of highly trained specialists. From the beginning of the Real

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A Catalog Wish

There are no calling birds to be found on this fourth day of the twelve Joe A Days of Christmas, but there is a calling from a simpler time–1984, to be exact. From a childhood tome of toy wishes, and its aged pages come memories of the Real American Hero’s less remembered product. We’ll never see the likes of the

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